Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hello Readers
Happy Hallows Eve!
Tomorrow Im very excited to celebrate Halloween because 1. I actually have a costume 2. I have plans 3. I don't have anything to do tomorrow besides get spooky!

This year I'm going as the one and only graceful badass Margot Tenenbum
Now of course I will not look as drama chic as Gwyneth does but I can try!!
I am all set with a blue polo shirt dress, fur coat and a blonde wig, just need that heavy racoon eye and I'm ready to boogie

I will update with pictures soon, I just had to my exciement.


Sunday, October 27, 2013


So it is my best friends birthday tomorrow (YAY BIRTHDAYS!!) but I am the WORST present giver. I've put my best effort foward this year after last year when she got my the COOLEST present.

I'm a huge Parks and Recreation fan, at the point where I'm almost annoyed with myself. Anyway she knew this and replicated a robe from the infamous "TREAT YO SELF" episode.

See this is the robe Donna, Tom and Ben are wearing. Below is the one she had embroidered with the spa name on it and on the back collar "Treat Yo Self"
So clearly I will never top this genius but I am trying!!!!!

This year I've decided to take on the task of silk screening a shirt for her. She is a big Kurt Cobain, Nirvana fan (when I say big, I literally mean obsessed) so I've drawn up this image and decided to write along with it "Cobain in the Membrane"
I'm a fan of the puns clearly. I've also realized how much I miss silk screening. Hopefully with more time off from work now I can get really into it.
 I'm still in the process of the shirt.....hopefully I will finish before she gets home tomorrow but I'm pumped! I'll post the finished product but here is the in process screen
(I know Membrane is missing an "N", I have to use a blocking technique to fix everything)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Inspired by: Anothony Bourdain

So I get better at this blog I've decided to keep up with, I will try and set up weekly pieces. This first one I've decided on will be "Inspired By" which will highlight people that I truly admire or respect or has caught my attention.

Man of the Hour:  Anthony Bourdain

I have become addicted to Anthony Bourdain's show on CNN called Parts Unknown.
For people not drooling over their TV sets and computers watching this great hour of entertainment, I'll sum it up quick. Anthony Bourdain goes around the world to places off the beaten bath or in political or social chaos. He usually ends up meeting five or six locals of the area and discusses the city or region while eating mouthwatering dishes.

Why I tune in every week is not to feed my wanderlust bug, ok maybe a little, but I really watch to see what Anthony Bourdain dares to ask the locals of the countries. Yes being a loud, world renown chef you have an easier time saying whatever you want, but Anthony goes in, asks the questions people are avoiding and we get the real answers from the ones amidst the chaos of it.

For example, in season one, Anthony traveled to Libya after the revolution. With the tool of sitting and having a meal with different men and women, Anthony was able to get first hand encounters of the up rise and hearing what the people want and dream of for their own country. Watching that episode was like seeing Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson seeing hope and a future they never dreamed was possible but in a current 2012 (when the episode aired) setting.

So I applaud Anthony for going to places unseen by many people, using food as a way to relate and converse with local citizens and daring to ask the uncomfortable questions we are all curious about.

Here's a clip from the Libya episode:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Getting on the Hamster Wheel

Hello World Wide Web!
It feels necessary to say hello since I am new to this platform, and out of politeness, I felt an introduction was needed.

Anyway the real reason this blog is now in existence is because of school. I, a student at The Fashion Institute of Technology, am enrolled in Internet Marketing. My professor, no need to name names, unless he desires a shout out (if he wants one, I believe I'd be open to advertiser$$ on my page.) Back to the point, my professor is gun-ho on branding ourselves as a product, which I agree! I didn't realize part of that would be an active blog, but as you might have figured it does require such thing.

SO here I am to document my thoughts, likes, passions, travels, experiences that happen in my life. I must say, as a precursor, I am against the digital footprint.
As a student of Marketing and Communications I have learned we are all being tracked with every post/like/tweet/pin we do! I wont go into detail, mostly for my sake of deleting everything I've ever done, cutting up my credit cards and going off the grid (my mom would be upset), but this is an irrational fear of mine!  I apologize but I was traumatized by The Truman Show at an early age. I just figured that I would state this Big Brother fear of mine in the first post in case it may creep back into future posts.

Here goes nothing, jumping in, no going back.
Both a Thank You and Sorry in advance,