Sunday, October 27, 2013


So it is my best friends birthday tomorrow (YAY BIRTHDAYS!!) but I am the WORST present giver. I've put my best effort foward this year after last year when she got my the COOLEST present.

I'm a huge Parks and Recreation fan, at the point where I'm almost annoyed with myself. Anyway she knew this and replicated a robe from the infamous "TREAT YO SELF" episode.

See this is the robe Donna, Tom and Ben are wearing. Below is the one she had embroidered with the spa name on it and on the back collar "Treat Yo Self"
So clearly I will never top this genius but I am trying!!!!!

This year I've decided to take on the task of silk screening a shirt for her. She is a big Kurt Cobain, Nirvana fan (when I say big, I literally mean obsessed) so I've drawn up this image and decided to write along with it "Cobain in the Membrane"
I'm a fan of the puns clearly. I've also realized how much I miss silk screening. Hopefully with more time off from work now I can get really into it.
 I'm still in the process of the shirt.....hopefully I will finish before she gets home tomorrow but I'm pumped! I'll post the finished product but here is the in process screen
(I know Membrane is missing an "N", I have to use a blocking technique to fix everything)

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